Hello Kitty Shaped PB & Jelly Sandwich
Chicken Salad
Yak Shik ( Korean Mochi Rice)
Hello Kitty shaped apple pieces
I used a Hello Kitty Sandwich mold that was given to me as a Christmas Gift.
I made the faces by using cocoa powder.
The Yak Shik, (the brown thing on the picture) is made by first soaking the mochi rice for several hours and cooking it with the Yak Shik mix you can easily buy at Korean markets. The mix is basically corn syrup, cinnamon, dates, and pine nuts, ginger extract, and water. Once the rice and Yak Shik mix is mixed, I cooked it in the rice cooker. I made a whole batch ahead of time and froze them into small servings.
The Chicken Salad was made by using Chicken breast (cooked ahead of time) and steamed veggies (I used broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots) I put the chicken and the veggies in my ninja blender. I finalized it by mixing the salad with a touch of fat free ranch sauce for a creamy texture.
The Apples were cut by using the Hello kitty cutter (bought from ebay)
I love the Hello Kitty fruit cutter. I think I'll check out ebay. Did they have other characters, too?
ReplyDeleteThey have Disney and nick characters... you just have to take time to look for them!