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Tuesday, February 01, 2011

01.31.2011 Chloe's lunch

Mini Musubi
Sliced Sausages
Carrots & Celery

I made the musubi by combining shredded nori, sesame seed, and crushed baby anchovies. I like to add anchovies because it's packed with calcium and has a salty & sweet flavor with a bit of crunchiness to it.

I used regular sausage, thinly sliced it and pan fried it with a bit of grape oil.
When it's all cooked, I brushed organic ketchup on the sausage.

I put the musubi and the sausage slices on a bed of cabbage. ( Chloe also eats the cabbage)

The carrots and celery were steamed and I used the veggie cutter to cut the carrots and I cut the celery into small pieces. I used ranch sauce and mixed the veggies.

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